Crazy Dave Promo UK
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About Crazy Dave Promo Your Favourite Promotional Products Supplier.

At Crazy Dave Promo, we supply innovative, creative and fun promotional products and corporate gifts to help enable your company and brand to grow through targeted, budget specific promotions. We have thousands of satisfied customers due to our friendly and knowledgeable staff, please check out our client list, no client is too big and none is too small all receive our unique quality customer service, we really do go the extra mile.

David McCallan (Crazy Dave) founded to service the business to business market for promotional usb sticks and in January 2017 Branded USB Promo rebranded as Crazy Dave Promo to reflect the expanding range of promotional products and in response to clients enthusiasm for the name.

David's knowledge from running another promotional merchandise company for over 15 years gives him a great insight into the inner workings of factories in the Far East and Europe who supply this type of product and also how best to organise it for the benefit of his customers and his business.

David saw an opening for a young, fun and vibrant company to trade on the absolute basis of putting customer service first with a little cheeky twist thrown in as well. He feels that the mark of a good company is not just delivering when things go well but delivering a top notch service for those little times when something goes awry. Customers expect this but very rarely receive it.

All the team at Crazy Dave Promo are friendly, knowledgeable and approachable with any query and a few other ones too at times. Whether you are a gadget novice or tech expert you will receive the same courteous service from start to finish.

Best wishes from Crazy Dave and the team.

Our website is supported by Chris Jones who likes to keep the website clean and simple on both desktop and mobile. Chris also manages Google Ads Pay Per Click services for businesses across the UK, Ireland and particularly in Northern Ireland where he lives. He'll help you so long as you are not competing with Crazy Dave!

  • David McCallan
  • Crazy Dave Promo Ltd
  • 2 Beaufort Grove
  • Belfast
  • Antrim
  • BT8 7UF

Tel: 01908 410898

Company No. NI064975, registered in the UK. View us on

VAT No. 129 5068 04

D-U-N-S® Registered 219390650


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Until the new year we are experimenting with site speed since we want you find what you need with utmost ease. A consequence of the latest change is that this website does not store cookies so there's no tedious pop-up warning.

The only cookies you'll find here are in our sweets section.

Using a popular web-speed tool most of our pages have a Performance of 100 and by that measure you will not find a faster website. We know our customers are busy with a job to do and we don't keep them waiting.
