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Promotional Cord Organiser for Desktop Wires UG38

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Promotional Cord Organiser for Desktop Wires

Promotional Cord Organiser for Desktop Wires

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This cord organiser block has branding in up to full colour print on the top of the cable catch. The soft silicone allows for easy placement and removal of up to four cables of mobile devices, headphones, mouse and other cords use the double-sided tape to place the cable catch on side or top of tables or desks.

Promotional cable organisers

Our cable organisers are available with your company logo or any custom design you'd like, making them an excellent choice for promotional gifting. The price quote we give you will include the branding style you select.

Want more info about our branded cable organisers? Just click >> Get a quote << above. You can ask us questions or request a sample to get a feel for how they will work in your marketing project or gift plan.


Product Code:UG38
Standard MaterialABS + Silicone
ColoursWhite, grey
Logo branding type1 spot print, 2 spot print, full colour
Print Size33 x 18mm
Type cableLightning, Micro, Type-C
Dimensions95 x 19.8 x 11.9mm
Minimum Order:1 piece
Packaging:Grip Bag