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Eco-friendly Promotional Products from UK Stock

We sell all of our eco items with your company branding printed on them so that you can use them either as in-house gifts or for promotional giveaways at events. If you simply want a bulk quantity without branding then please ask via email and Crazy Dave will get back to you promptly.

Eco Friendly Merchandise Ideas

Wood, Bamboo & Eco-friendly USB Drives

Cotton Tote Bags

This selection of promotional products contain materials that you can consider to be responsible from an environmental standpoint. It's not an exhaustive list since so many of our products elsewhere have some Eco credentials but this help you see which materials you choose.

Typically sustainable eco friendly materials are wood and bamboo from renewable sources and cotton for bags, whilst plant derived bioplastics (PLA polylactic acid) help avoid fossil fuel derived plastic.

Another approach is to extend the life of existing plastic by using recycled forms such as recycled ABS and rPET (recycled polyethylene tetraphyte).

As factories gear up to produce eco minded branded merchandise we will see prices fall and fossil fuel derived products will become less desirable especially for swag giveaways.

It's definitely the time to be showing your eco credentials.


Eco-friendly Promotional Products

Eco-friendly Promotional Products