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Promotional Xoopar Products with Company Logo Branding

Xoopar Tech Products with Logo Branding

These famous Xoopar products can be logo branded for promotional gifts. These are delightfully stylish designs to bring the joy out of technology so you can set your self apart from the croud in you corporate gifts and branding.

This selection is from the Lighting range since your company logo is etched into the surface coating to allow LED illiuminated light to emblazon your corporate brand. There's no hiding your light under a bushel here.

The famous Xoopar retail brand is available as logo branded promotional gifts. Instead of the illuminated Xoopar logo in these examples your own logo appears lit up with LED light.

Xoopar Squid

Xoopar Squid power banks have soft suckers to conveniently attach to mobile phones.

Company logo branded Xoopar products

Promotional Xoopar Products