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Promotional Eco-friendly Bluetooth Speakers in PLA Bioplastic BP2178

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Eco Bluetooth Speaker made from PLA

Made from eco friendly PLA bioplastic this cubic Bluetooth speaker produces a superb sound. The front has a generous 55mm square branding area printed in up to full colour.

PLA is polylactic acid which is bioplastic derived from corn starch and is a fully biodegradable thermoplastic polymer consisting of renewable raw materials, thus avoiding plastics derived from fossil fuels.

There is a 20 meter range to the Bluetooth connection which is an enhancement on the 10m range of other devices.

The speaker is a 60mm cube with a front print area 55mm square.

Product Code:BP2178
Materials:PLA bioplastic
Branding front:2 colour printing
Branding area:55 x 55mm
Dimensions:60 x 60 x 60mm
Minimum Order:100 pieces
Category: Bluetooth Speakers